Mar 13, 20211 min

Tile backsplashes

Updated: Mar 20, 2021

A beautiful backsplash is an integral part of your kitchen’s decor. It can be a simple, clean tile that protects susceptible areas while it lets your cabinets, counters or fixtures stand out. Or you can choose to make the backsplash the focal point of the kitchen with an attention-getting accent tile.

Designing a beautiful and functional kitchen can feel overwhelming, as there are so many decisions to make, from appliances and cabinetry to lighting and hardware. One of the most fun decisions, though, is choosing a kitchen backsplash. Whether you have a small kitchen or a large one, a modern kitchen or one with more of a rustic or cottage feel, a white kitchen or a kitchen with color, backsplashes—which cover a portion of or all of kitchen walls—are an ideal spot for adding or defining personality in the kitchen.

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